Articles & Inspiration

Pandemic and Rethinking “Normal”

These tips are for those of you who have struggled during quarantine.


Evidence Based Design

We’ve all experienced that feeling when looking out onto a forest of trees, we involuntarily take a deep breath and our shoulders drop on the exhale. In that moment we are experiencing healing, our stress level reduces and our dopamine level rises


Joyfully Transitioning Through Menopause in Your Healing Home

Menopausal women transitioning in their lives require unique, self nurturing spaces that support time for reflection, growth and managing  menopausal symptoms.


Does Scratch Cooking Reduce Stress?

Once you have set up your healing kitchen by decluttering, simplifying and rethinking tools and materials, you will see the benefits, some may surprise you!


Homes Where Young Children Can Thrive, Especially During Covid Times

The pandemic is compelling families to rethink home life with young children, from how they learn and exercise to how they play.


4 Interior Design Therapies To Ease Winter Blues 

Put into action these easy, low budget, interior design elements today and watch your spirits lift.


 Interested in Holistic Homes? Visit Angela’s Portfolio